The State of Worship Address

Posted in Uncategorized on May 22, 2014 by jacobwdowning

Over the past few days I have been a part of conversations as well seen on Facebook, a lot of talk about the problems with Evangelical Christian Worship.  Some have said we are headed for a crash, maybe.  Unfortunately the arguments have changed over the past 20 years.  They may take different wording but they are the same.  They mostly revolve around style.  


Maybe because I am in the middle of church that is wrestling with this very issue when I have never been, kind of like how you buy this kind of car cause you never see anyone drive it and as soon as you have it, you notice how many others there are, so maybe I am just hypersensitive.  


 First, let me say that now being part of a traditional style service for the first time in my life, I have found some hymns that I absolutely love and some I hope I never have to hear, let alone sing again.  That being said, here is my problem with the style wars.  For centuries, the church song writers and musicians have been shaping their music around what is popular in culture.  We have all heard that hymns used old bar tunes.  I know since being at my new church I have sung the same hymn to three different tunes.  All tunes I knew and thought they were another song.  So why would we be surprised that the current song writers in the church are following the trend of modern music.  Why should we be surprised that people who are not in the church have an easier time connecting with it.  When the hymn writers were writing, the church didn’t like their music either.  Now we hear all the time, “I just connect better with God with the hymns.”  Well let me be the first to tell you (probably not the first), I connect better with God with modern worship music.  Why?  Because that is what I was brought up on.  Reality, I have been leading worship for 20 years.  The music has changed a lot in that time but I can tell you that I am not holding on to singing about his love forever or shouting to the Lord and telling Jesus to shine.  Those were great songs in their day but they would not connect with the current generation.  


The last thing I will say about the style wars, and this would go to people who love the hymns and people who love modern.  We tend to fixate on certain songs.  “I really (insert your verb here) with God when we sing ______.”  Kenny Chesney says it well, “I go back”.  We all have songs that mark circumstances in our lives.  Good times, bad times, and when we sing those songs it floods in all the memories of what God was doing in our lives at that time.  The problem, as humans we have a tendency to begin to worship the song not the one the song is about.  There was a great message I heard for a conference once.  I can’t remember who it was or what conference it was, if you can help me out with that, awesome.  Would love to give credit.  The talk about about the pole in the old testament.  In Numbers 21, the people were doing what we all do best, complaining.  God sends venomous snakes among them and a lot of them started dying from the bites.  They cam to Moses to repent and God tells Moses to make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.  So he did, they lived, they kept moving.  The problem was that over time, they stopped worship the God who brought healing through the pole and started to worship the pole.  In 2 Kings 18 Hezekiah, broke into the pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, of up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it.  They were worshiping it.  Lets not worship the style or the song, lets worship the God who the songs sing about.  Enough said about that.


The next argument I hear is congregational key.  Like the hymns were in the perfect key for everyone to sing in and our tenor lead modern worship music isn’t.  Of course you usually only hear this argument from basses and female singers who aren’t listening to Kari Jobe, seriously, I have had a harder time singing melody on some of the hymns I have been learning that most of the latest Tomlin songs.  The reality is, the key the song is in does not make or prohibit a congregation from worshiping.  There are so many other factors and this is very near the bottom of that list if on the list at all.  I think the biggest reason we have lost congregational singing is because people don’t know the songs.  Over the past 7-10 years there has been this move to make a service, especially in a contemporary/modern setting, consistent in theme and message.  So as a worship leader, we would try to pick songs that went with the topic of the day.  I admit that I have even told other leaders to do this and taught them how.  Now, thanks to a good friend who challenged me, I have realized this is the worst way to pick songs for people to engage in worship.  If you pick this way and you use planning center, I challenge you the same way my friend challenged me.  Run a report to see what songs you have sung over the past 12 months and how often you sang them.  When I did this, I found that we had song well over 120 songs in a year and the majority of them had been sung 1 to 2 times.  No wonder nobody new the songs.  We were relying on pulling out that old favorite that the people who had come to the church in the past 12 months since we sang it would just know cause we know it so well.  It doesn’t have anything to do with key.  It has to do with familiarity.  This is the only reason why I think some people believe they connect with God better with the hymns, it’s because they are familiar.  We have to stop picking worship sets thematically and become strategic it how many songs are in our catalog and how often we sing them.  I challenge you to shrink your catalog to 24 songs.  That is all you are allowed to pick from.  Then once you have done that, you intro two songs a month.  1st and 3rd week, 2nd and 4th, it doesn’t matter.  Key is, when you intro a new one, one of the current 24 has to go away.  It’s harder than you think but it works.  You will end up with a singing congregation that is not staring at screens and actually connect with God, not with you.  


Ok, last beef with what I have been hearing this week.  Worship as we know it is going to crash because it is all performance based.  Let me first say, this is something we need to consistently wrestle with and every time there is an extreme post or blog about how terrible the state of modern worship is, it cause all of us to do that.  So, I guess, at least thank you for that.  But seriously, you go to a conference with national worship artist and what do you expect them to do?  Sing all of your favorite Christ Tomlin and Hillsong United songs.  If you’re seeing Jesus Culture, they are going to sing Jesus Culture songs.  Are they doing this because they are performing.  No, they are doing this because in the church that they serve in, these are the song they sing.  The reason that conference planners asked them to come was because there is a group of people who love Jesus Culture.  But I can’t expect them to bust out How Great is our God and Mighty to Save in their set.  It’s not them.  It wouldn’t be genuine.  To expect anything different would be silly.  Also, putting their face on the screen does not mean lets worship the worship leader.  if you were sitting in an auditorium/sanctuary/whatever you want to call it, with someone preaching and there were 5000 people there and you were in the back, you would be thankful for a screen that has his face projected so you can infer the body language as he spoke.  It is a huge percentage of his communication with you.  There is not difference with a worship leader, except that they are signing and playing an instrument.  Also keep in mind, typically the people who are running cameras, are not christians.  They are hired and the week before they were doing Justin Beiber concert where you want all the cool camera angles of the guitar solo.  


Lastly, their are many worship leaders who are in the midst of planning for a Sunday.  They will rehearse with their band of volunteers.  They will use songs that they never heard before from the worship conference they just went too.  Songs that when they heard it, they turned to their friend with them and said, this is our church, we need to sing this song, quick record it.  They are not at the conference to learn all the tricks of performing well.  Many are there because they want to quit.  Because theirs spouses want them to quit.  Because they feel like a failure.  In no way are they worried about the performance coming Sunday.  They desperately need to connect with God in worship, to be refreshed.  To have it done in such a way that doesn’t distract them with bad notes, horrible projections and terrible sound.  I thank God for my weeks at conference.  Those are the times that I don’t have to worry about pouring into a congregation and I can be in a corporate worship environment where I can focus one thing, God.  


Enough rambling, just some of my thoughts on the conversations going around this week.  Love to hear yours.  

SHHHH….Don’t Tell Dave Ramsey

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26, 2013 by jacobwdowning

It was back in 2011 when we started our journey with Financial Peace University (FPU).  When we started, we had about $10,000 in debt.  Really not that bad for two people in their thirties.  This was less from good decisions and more from the fact that our credit scores were so bad, we couldn’t qualify for anything.  We each had one credit card.  Both secured because, again, we couldn’t get anything else.  We did what Dave said to do.  We got $1000 in the bank.  We made our first budget and we started living on plan.

Shortly after starting, we came into a small inheritance that allowed us to pay off the majority of our debt.  By June of 2012, we had done it.  We were “DEBT FREE”!  We started saving money to put into our emergency fund and things were looking up.  We got pre approved to buy our first house.  Life was good.  But we made one fatal flaw.  Maybe, two.  First was that we used all our emergency fund for a down payment on our house.  I say so far that hasn’t burnt us but then comes the second and in my opinion the even bigger flaw.  We didn’t cut up the credit cards.

Through out the process of waiting to close, we continued to use a credit card.  At the time, it was fairly innocent we thought.  Our cards had very low limits, $400 and $200.  When we would use them we would pay them off each month.  We all say we will do that right??  The only thing we didn’t like about them is that we had annual fees on the cards.  If only we could have cards with no annual fees, we could build back up our emergency fund and just never use them.  Right?

Well, then we closed on the house and moved in.  Soon after closing, the offers starting coming.  I began just looking of course.  Everyone that came had annual fees, I threw them away.  Then it happened.  I got one in the mail that said no annual fee, 0% interest for 18 months.  Couldn’t pass that up right?  A month later another one with no annual fee and 0% interest for 6 months.  We will get those and just not use them cause we don’t need them.  It will just be good for our credit.  (if you don’t recognize where this is going yet, hang on.)

Through this process we did make a couple other big Dave no no’s.  We had an older minivan that was running rough.  It turned 200,000 miles and we needed a new car.  We found a good minivan for sale used.  $7000.  We didn’t have the money so we borrowed from a relative.  I am pretty sure Dave says not to do that.  The the unexpected happend.  My 2000 Honda Civic with 220,000 miles on it starting mis firing.  I took it into the mechanic thinking it just would need a tuneup.  Couple hundred bucks.  Nope, two cylinders gone.  Needs a new engine.  Time for new car number two.  We couldn’t afford it, so we had to get a loan for another car.

So we bought our house end of April, 2013.  It is now the end of November, 2013 and we have gone from debt free to $150,00 in house debt.  That is good debt if there is a kind.  Here is the kicker, $22,000 of credit card/car loan debt.  7 months.  Seriously.  Please don’t tell Dave Ramsey.  Cards are being cut up today.  Budget is set.  Snowball is being engaged.  Time for some gazelle intensity.  He always said it would take you getting angry about it.  So this is my declaration of anger.  We won’t be having much fun that we pay for any time soon.  It’s time to kick it.



No Weaponed Formed Against Me…..

Posted in Uncategorized on November 21, 2013 by jacobwdowning

First my obligatory, “I have not blogged in a while comment”.  There, that is done.

Lately my family and I have embarked on probably the craziest adventure of our lives.  Me, Jenn, and our girls, Kyndal (9) and Ally (6) have picked up our lives in NH and moved to South Florida.  We now reside in Boynton Beach, FL.

This crazy adventure started back in August when I was offered a position at Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Delray Beach, FL.  Obviously I accepted and we are here, but the transition has not been that easy so far.  Not in ways that would have expected though.  Let me explain.

I would have thought the girls would have had a hard time adjusting to their new school.  The past two days I have had to drag them out at the end of the day.  They don’t want to leave.  I thought we would have a hard time adjusting to the warmer weather.  Ok, that’s a lie.  I hate cold and snow, so that part has been awesome. I thought Jenn would have a hard time adjusting to being home and not working.  She seems be loving it.   Thought we would have a hard time making friends.  There are some good friendships in the making.  (This by no means indicates that we do not miss our friends from NH, especially our movie club friends.  Watching movies sucks with out you)  I even thought it would really hard to blend into a new church family but the adjustment seems to be going pretty smoothly.  I am sure there will be challenges with this along the way, but what has hit us head on is something we did not expect.

I had a pulled muscle that in my back the last weekend we were in NH.  After our drive to my sisters in VA, we spent the day in DC.  WW2 FL1464133_10152029812728919_1285068082_n1455975_10152029812813919_1296443751_nDC TripWaking up the next day, I had a cramp in my leg.  It is still somewhat there today, although it is much better and is going away.  But thanks to concerned friends, the fact that it slowly moved from the top of my hamstring to calf, it lasting for a week, and web md, we took a trip to the ER on Monday to confirm it was not a blood clot $$$$$$.

Monday after school, we thought we would take our girls and Gusto (our dog) to a dog park and let them run around.  For about an hour we had a great time.  Gusto was off the leash and having all kinds of fun.  Then we had someone that looked a bit less then safe come in with their pit bull.  They refused to take the dog of it’s leash.  Now for you pit bull lovers, please hear  me.  I am not against pit bulls.  I think they are beautiful dogs when they are trained well.  I rarely think that is dog is bad, I think an owner is bad.  With that sad, this pit bull was not trained well and on our way out, Gusto when to do the sniff the butt hello, which he had done with 30 other dogs who were there, and the pit bull attacked him and bit his ear.  Cue a trip to the vet for a cleaning, shaving, antibiotics, etc.  More $$$$$$

Also, Monday after school.  State of Florida requires a special form for kids to go to school.  They won’t just take doctors medical records.  You would not believe how much you have to pay for them to fill out a silly blue piece of paper.  More $$$$

Tuesday:  I knew coming into my new job that I would have medical benefits for me with an option to add Jenn and the girls and have the money deducted.  That is pretty normal so I thought nothing of it.  Then I found out that their portion would be about $1000 a month.  More $$$$

Wednesday:  I drove my car to school/church in the morning.  After school, drove my car to the hospital to pay my ER bill because if I did it by yesterday, I got a good rate that would save me a bunch of money.  Then drove it home.  Dropped of bags, books and lunch boxes and jumped in the car to head out to dinner with some new friends.  Car won’t start.  ARRRGGGGHHHH

Here is what I know:  Matthew 6:25-34 says”

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendorwas dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Isaih 54:17a :  no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

I feel like we are under major attach from the enemy.  In my heart, I know this really is a good thing.  It indicates that we are in the right place.  That God is going to use and the devil doesn’t like it.  In my mind, I go from peace to freaking out and angry pretty quick.

Since everything in my life has a song.  Here is what I am singing out right now.

Deadly Viper Character Assasins

Posted in Uncategorized on March 9, 2008 by jacobwdowning

So there you have it. Since it seams that my break from blogging has caused no one to check in, I thought I would use a great title to see if I can draw people back in. But seriously it is not just a great title, it is a book that I have starting reading or should I say listening to, that talks about things that can destroy your character as a leader, especially in church. And the best part, is that it talks about it in a kung-fu way. Weird I know, but if your interested, the audio book is free to download at there site I heard about the book from the Catalyst podcast. I have found myself listening to the podcast almost non stop. So many great things going on in the church but then so many scary things as well. Anyway, not much to say other than, if your in any type of leadership in your church, check out this book. It might have some really good things in it. It might also have some junk but doesn’t everything we read.


Posted in Uncategorized on February 20, 2008 by jacobwdowning

So after all the request to update my blog, I return to the blog world finally able to sit and think for couple of mins without alot of distractions. I have been thinking alot lately about the word ONE. It is the theme this year at Grace, One Lord One Faith One Body. Have to be totally honest, that when I first heard the theme, it was kind of a let down. I thought it was going to be really exciting and when it first hit, well, not so much. But I think the real problem was that I didn’t really get it. It wasn’t till the next day when Mark was preaching that it finally hit home for me. Since that day, I have seen how it applies to many areas in my life but this was the specific one that grabbed me that Sunday.

“What if everyone served in ONE ministry. Then no one would be burned and everyone would be serving”

At first glance this may not seem like much, unless your like me, you say yes to everything. Over the past few months I have found myself serving it every way possible, burning the candle at both ends. So if I were to pick just one ministry to serve in, what would it be. What ONE ministry to feel a definite calling to. What is my purpose, so to speak. Well when I think of it that way, there is no question. None of the things I was doing are bad but are all right for me. I found my self so busy that every area of my life was lacking. From my family time, to my personal time with God, to even each ministry I was invovled with.

So I wonder how many of us do the same thing. Get so busy doing and not spending enough time listening to God as to what we should be doing. As I was praying about this very thing, I became really sick on a Saturday night was was not able to do the one thing I am sure with out doubt that I am called to, lead worship the next day. So as I was sitting there, I thought, I wonder if I am sick because I got to busy and never gave my body time to rest. Just to run down I guess. Maybe that wasn’t it but I decided that I never want to do anything that could stop me from doing what God has called me to do, whether good or bad.

So that is why I have neglected my blog among many other things. I guess I just need to learn to say no.

Any thoughts?

First Home Game

Posted in Uncategorized on January 7, 2008 by jacobwdowning

Anyone who is looking for something to do on Tuesday night.  It is the LCS Boys home opener.  My home town debut as a varsity coach.  So even if you don’t know anyone but me come and make a lot of noise.  We are playing the meanest team in Class S.

Happy New Year

Posted in Uncategorized on January 7, 2008 by jacobwdowning

Well I guess the new year has already been here for a bit, and because Kristen has been telling me that I am neglecting my blog, I will write a little blurb down here to keep everyone happy.  I am in the process of trying to compile a list of 2007.  Good and bad things that happened and that I did or passed up on and then a list of what I would like to see happen in 2008.  So there, that is my reason for having not blogged in a while.  Stay tuned, I’m Back.

Can’t Wait for January

Posted in Uncategorized on December 10, 2007 by jacobwdowning

Does any one else feel the same way I do? I mean don’t get me wrong, I love  Christmas.  For the obvious reason that celebrates the birth of Jesus and I suppose the big One Voice Christmas program.  But is anyone else so busy that Christmas just needs to come so we can relax?  I don’t know if I even have time to sleep between now and Christmas.  All good things that I am doing and even things that are necessary but man what I would give for a week of vacation right now some where warm and tropical with a frozen strawberry margarita in my hand.  Sleeping in to 10 in the morning and when I do wake up it is just to go sit on the beach and do nothing.  Jenn and I went to the Mayan Riviera for almost a week.  We stayed and an All Inclusive resort where there were no kids allowed.  Not sure if I would not want to be with my kids the whole time, but a couples days sitting by the pool without them with be nice.  So who wants to go?  I figure if we act now, we can be there before Christmas day and have a warm, laid back Christmas and leave the craziness to everyone else.  Who’s In?

Head wound

Posted in Uncategorized on December 5, 2007 by jacobwdowning

Click on the link to see a pic of my head wound.  It a couple days old here.  I think it happened on Thursday and I took the pic on Sunday but here it is anyway.

Head wound

Which one does “My First Blog” picture look like, Mr. Incredible or the Evil Little Boy

Posted in Uncategorized on December 4, 2007 by jacobwdowning

Which one does “My First Blog” picture look like, Mr. Incredible or the Evil Little Boy